AWESOME Testimonials for Venger's Decks!!!
this is why i do what i do!
Reviews | Podcast Play | #Unboxing

Here's a collection of the first reviews I picked up for Venger's Decks. I'm so thankful that a few kind souls took the time to look over the cards and come back to me with their thoughts. I'll be adding more as time goes on, and please feel free to share your own feedback, using the hashtag #VengersChaos, as it means the world to me and will help me make some noise in this amazing but really really busy RPG community. Thanks so much!
To any #dungeonmaster out there, you'll know the pain of over-prep'ing... And those pesky players STILL find a way to foil your plans!
— HaggisPaddy (@HaggisPaddy) May 26, 2020
Scott has found ingenious ways of helping you: -
check it out! @vengersdecks
Keep a deck in your bag, with your DM guide#dnd @HaggisDragons
These decks are effective, not just for their rich detail and inventive threads, but for them having productive mechanics. Rather than railroading the GM or players into an encounter, the use of the "Hook," "Conflict," "Twist," and "Resolution" mechanics in the Outlander deck allow for the encounters to enact character backstory development within a contextualized world. What's more, the Quickening decks are effectively written as 'story seeds', allowing the GM and/or players to fill in the contextual details that will make each encounter meaningful well beyond "action."
Rick Reid, GM
Scotland's finest delivering some great DnD accessories, random encounter decks!
— Halaster's Compass (@WaterdeepH) February 17, 2020
Time to do a solo #dnd adventure game with this absolute gorgeous #tiefling #druid
— HaggisPaddy (@HaggisPaddy) July 16, 2020
Also huge thanks to @vengersdecks! Your random encounters will make for a lot of fun#dnd #ttrpg #haggisanddragons #myweepuddin
I own the outlander decks, and they are awesome. A super useful tool for use, both at the game table and when planning. I'd strongly recommend checking them out, and supporting the paetron. #VengersDecks #rpg #ttrpg #dnd #dungeonmaster #roleplaying
— Andy (@glasgowrpg) April 8, 2020
Giving a shout out to one of the best guys in the Glasgow gaming scene - Give @vengersdecks a look if you're of the dice-throwing persuasion
— Tom Artingstall (@ChesterRamoray) May 27, 2020
Podcast Plays
The amazing folks at Penance RPG were the very first podcasters to give Venger's Decks a go. Using The Outlander Deck and some of my free downloadable characters from The Party, they were able to show just how easy & fun it is to take one deck, and create from it a totally memorable one-shot within their own homebrew D&D 5e-type setting. Have a listen here!
Man I love an unboxing! Here's the first one that came through from one of the very first Dungeon Masters to give Venger's Decks a try. Click onto the tweet to check out his outstanding live thread as he talks you through his experience!
Awesome unboxing thread of The Outlander random encounter deck by a happy DM. 💜👇 Pre-orders still flooding in before the big launch! #VengersChaos #VengerIsHere #VengersDecks
— Venger's Decks - launching SOON! (@vengersdecks) February 17, 2020
And here's what The Outlander deck looks like popped out of the box!
So yeah, I can't thank enough all those who've taken the time out of their day to share their thoughts and experience with my little decks. How have you got on with them - I'd love to hear your story?