From the searing heat of the blistered ground, to the suffocating air of blackened ash overlaid with endless screams and torment, being banished within these cells may prove as much maddening as dispiriting. The fearful eyes of those imprisoned here widen with each infernal flutter of wings that grows closer, the black heart fiends picking and choosing from the cells their next victim for hourly punishment on the rocky precipice on which awaits a bestatued circle of dark sigils and skulls, by no means the final end such victims crave so desperately.
Encounter Hook
Does the party interrupt this ritualistic torture? Does it stumble into this location and bear witness to a victim being borne from their cell and towards the platform and circle? Does it know this victim? Does the victim have something the party needs? Information? An item relevant to its quest? Does the victim spot the party and plead for help, their last ounce of hope burdened by resignation? Does this victim's damned pleading shift attention to the party?...
Download the map
Simply Add to Cart, complete checkout, and you'll have instant access to the zip file with all the variants of this map (gridded, gridless, night, snowcloaked, blackened, animated, webp, 4k, 8k). Any issues or if you need any other variations, just let me know. :)
If you'd like to see more of my work in the multiverse, or to help support me, head over to Patreon. You can pick up the free version of this map and all my other free maps there now, no pledge required. By pledging, you get access to my previous and current maps without my logo, together with a whole host of encounter decks & packs, map variants, and bonus maps.
Also feel free to reach out if you're looking to commission a map for your games or commercial project. :)
Animated Version
Meantime, here's a logomarked animated version - you get the full mp4 file in your pack once you complete the purchase!