Desert Temple Battlemap
Desert Temple Battlemap

Desert Temple Battlemap

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An ancient, partially-ruined temple to some unknown deity, hidden within a rocky pass within the desert. Although it appears to have been constructed long ago, more recently there are signs that it is being used once again, with fabrics and well-tended plants on the bamboo-marked walkway towards the temple steps. The sand dunes, rocks, and structures that could be used as sentry posts provide levelled cover on the approach.

Encounter Hook

The sun burns with a searing heat as coming into view within the rugged pass is an ancient temple built into the rocks. Guarding its entrance are a number of armoured sentries, and squinting through the sunlight it appears as though their eyes glow with blood red energy. This same effect is repeated on the statues carved into the entrance, there being every possibility that any careless move might trigger the arcane defence mechanisms in place.

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Animated Version

Meantime, here's a logomarked animated version - you get the full mp4 file in your pack as a Double Decker patron!