Docked at a port bathed in sunshine is a vessel ready to sail. Its sails bear the emblems for some unknown faction, and on deck are rotating canon with ammunition, and a number of roped up small boats. More canons protrude from holes in the hull. A crow's nest sits atop the mainsail, and the vessel appears well built. A fine choice on which to steal passage, no doubt!
Encounter Hook
On board a well-constructed ship docked at port are a number of brutal thieves. Having thrown the crew overboard or slain any foolhardy enough to act in the defence, the thieves are making to set sail. Little do they know, perhaps, that below deck is a noble family returning home from vacation, packed with riches. The dockmaster might implore on the party to save the family and this vessel they've chartered, or maybe the party are simply looking for their own to steal for passage.
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Animated Version
Meantime, here's a logomarked animated version - you get the full mp4 file in your pack once you complete the purchase!