A network of narrow dungeon corridors around streams and pools of water. The corridors are cut in two by the streams, perhaps capable of being jumped across, and the pools are divided by a narrow walkway under which the waters connect via a short tunnel. Mist rises from the water, the place lit eerily by lampposts. In one of the pools a gaping shaft leads down into darkness. What perils will the party face here?...
Encounter Hook
The water streams gently through this place, the atmosphere on occasion seems relaxing enough, maybe, for the party to rest. If it does, or if otherwise the party moves through the area, it might begin to spot dark shadows swimming beneath the surface of the water, or might hear a noise growing louder from the dark shaft in one of the pools. It might be ok right now, but something is coming...
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Animated Version
Meantime, here's a logomarked animated version - you get the full mp4 file in your pack once you complete the purchase!