At the harbour of this sun-kissed town, the soldiers' barracks are quiet. A meandering stream flows from the mountains before being marshalled into the local reservoir and out into the sea, the home for the town's small armada. Steps lead up from the sea and onto a fortified wall, shielding the barracks and the town beyond from the numerous attacks suffered lately at the hands of the town's neighbouring fleet, the local factions consistently at war over sacred territory. Although the fortification seems vulnerable, the town has harnessed the arcane qualities in the water sourced from the mountain, and formed a magically protective shield which thus far has kept its enemies at bay.
Encounter Hook
As the party arrives at this beautiful harbour scene, however, the locals are in disarray, it having become evident that the waters flowing from the mountains have suddenly become tainted, powerless, the mountain spirits perhaps having become angered at the town's misuse of its qualities for war rather than peace. This has led to a gradual weakening of the town's shield which, combined with an impending attack from its enemies, is causing great concern. The town may seek assistance from the party to fight off the incursion by its enemies at the harbour, and if the attack is successfully repelled despite the shield being weakened, the party may then be asked for help in appeasing the mountain spirits.
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Animated Version
Meantime, here's a logomarked animated version - you get the full mp4 file in your pack once you complete the purchase!