At the centre of this serene chamber rests a pool. Rich vines climb and grasp an open pergola. A number of golden crystals sprout from the soft, grass-coated platform surrounding the pool. Intricately-shined statues guard one side of the chamber. Steps lead up from the platform on each side of the pool, which is filled with a blue liquid flowing unlike water, and which through tiny holes beneath the surface, fills a surrounding external pool. A place to relax, to take in the beautiful milieu, to take a long rest. But perhaps there is more to this chamber than meets the eye.
Encounter Hook
As the party breathes in the natural scents and peaceful atmosphere in the room, it might take a while before it notes how curiously the 'water' flows in the pool, how it seems to swirl and lap of its own volition. As this begins to raise an eyebrow or two, emerging from the pool comes a horrific sound of pain, of desperation, of undeath, as the 'water' begins to rise and take the shape of a huge collection of faces, the souls of those tethered here for eternity now awakened by the intrusion.
Download the map
Simply Add to Cart, complete checkout, and you'll have instant access to the zip file with all the variants of this map (gridless, duelling chamber, eternity room, night, animated, webp, 4k, 8k). Any issues or if you need any other variations, just let me know. :)
If you'd like to see more of my work in the multiverse, or to help support me, head over to Patreon. You can pick up the free version of this map and all my other free maps there now, no pledge required. By pledging, you get access to my previous and current maps without my logo, together with a whole host of encounter decks & packs, map variants, and bonus maps.
Also feel free to reach out if you're looking to commission a map for your games or commercial project. :)
Animated Version
Meantime, here's a logomarked animated version - you get the full mp4 file in your pack once you complete the purchase!
Encounter Hook
As the party breathes in the natural scents and peaceful atmosphere in the room, it might take a while before it notes how curiously the 'water' flows in the pool, how it seems to swirl and lap of its own volition. As this begins to raise an eyebrow or two, emerging from the pool comes a horrific sound of pain, of desperation, of undeath, as the 'water' begins to rise and take the shape of a huge collection of faces, the souls of those tethered here for eternity now awakened by the intrusion.
Download the map
Simply Add to Cart, complete checkout, and you'll have instant access to the zip file with all the variants of this map (gridless, duelling chamber, eternity room, night, animated, webp, 4k, 8k). Any issues or if you need any other variations, just let me know. :)
If you'd like to see more of my work in the multiverse, or to help support me, head over to Patreon. You can pick up the free version of this map and all my other free maps there now, no pledge required. By pledging, you get access to my previous and current maps without my logo, together with a whole host of encounter decks & packs, map variants, and bonus maps.
Also feel free to reach out if you're looking to commission a map for your games or commercial project. :)
Animated Version
Meantime, here's a logomarked animated version - you get the full mp4 file in your pack once you complete the purchase!