Desert magitech download pack with detailed encounters, matching battlemaps AND ALSO with bespoke loopable music tracks, stat-blocked monsters, and homebrewed items, everything you need at your fingertips!
Thinking of running a one-shot in the desert? Want your players to discover some modern ancient tech? This pack's ready to roll and perfect for the Fifth Edition of the World's Greatest Roleplaying Game. Use them to inspire & improvise!
"Scott is a true master of his craft. Each adventure, written with such passion and love for storytelling. I honestly can't imagine running a game without at least one of the packs Venger's Decks created."
Filip Melvan
what's in this pack?
Adjustable for any character level you want, with this pack you get:
- 5 cards with desert magitech encounters that will chase the party into a recently disturbed temple and ziggurat guarded by ancient foes, and in which it might unearth a long-dormant realm of curious technologies.
- 5 story-enhancing battle maps (+1 animated map) that fit the deck's encounters perfectly. You get them in two formats - gridded png image and non-gridded png image. Use them in the likes of Roll20 or print them off!
5 sandtastic music tracks composed by Filip Melvan of the amazing Michael Ghelfi Studios to match the desert tech feels, the atmospherics of each encounter to really help your players get immersed in the moment.
10 creatures of the anucis-ta, in other words suggested monsters with full 5e stat blocks so that you have absolutely everything you need at your fingertips.
5 curios of the anucis-ta, which is a deck of fascinating items available to the party as tools or treasure, and which could take each encounter even deeper into the players' imagination.
- Print templates for the main, creatures, and curios decks, so you can print them off on paper or card stock if you'd prefer to have them to hand at the table.
So EVERYTHING YOU NEED to run a one-shot inspired by the likes of Blackmoor and Mystara that your players will never forget.

"An excellent resource for any DM. These unique encounters are setting agnostic enough to allow being included in any fantasy setting and will challenge your players beyond combat."
Lee Scolin (Forever DM)
So wire in, pick up this desert magictech one-shot pack, and then watch as your players delve within the unparalleled realms of their spirits and imagination!