Pick this pack up at patreon.com/vengersdecks
Terrifying download pack with detailed encounters, matching battlemaps AND ALSO with bespoke loopable music tracks, stat-blocked monsters, and gut-busting lair features, everything you need at your fingertips!
Thinking of running a draconic one-shot? Need a complete green dragon lair quest to throw into your campaign? This pack's ready to roll and perfect for the Fifth Edition of the World's Greatest Roleplaying Game. Use it to inspire & improvise!
The encounters in this pack will take the party deep into the lair of an ancient green dragon. To preserve and empower her existence, the dragon seeks to devour her echo, a skeletal incarnation of herself on another plane. The bridge between planes that this long process is beginning to cleave open is destabilising and corrupting the surrounding region, and unless the party acts carefully, may lead to its ultimate collapse.
This pack's filled to the brim with details and inspiration you can blend easily into your game or play as a one-shot, and I'd be happy to chat through with you in the Venger's Realm Discord how to make it pop.
To pick up this awesome pack, visit my Patreon, and for a look at this pack in action, check out this stream from the amazing Bluebox RPG who ran through it while raising an eye-widening amount of coin for an awesome cause: