Pick this pack up at patreon.com/vengersdecks
Download printable one-shot pack: mini card deck with detailed encounters, matching battlemaps AND ALSO with bespoke loopable music & stat-blocked monsters. Everything you need at your fingertips!
Thinking of running a hag-tastically demonic one-shot? Need a complete missing children quest to throw into your campaign? This pack's ready to roll and perfect for the Fifth Edition of the World's Greatest Roleplaying Game. Use it to inspire & improvise!
The encounters in this pack will take the party from a ransacked town out to an old witch's cottage, down into a saturated clearing, through damp tunnels into a children's dormitory, but then through a portal into a hellish realm in which the party will need to make some tough decisions about who and what might be worth saving.
This pack's filled to the brim with details and inspiration you can blend easily into your game or play as a one-shot, and I'd be happy to chat through with you in the Venger's Realm Discord how to make it pop.
To pick up this awesome pack, visit my Patreon!